Acupuncture for reproductive health
It comes as no surprise that acupuncture and herbal medicines in the treatment of infertility have reached a zenith in their development and in their efficacy, considering the patriarchal nature of the Chinese culture and its inherent emphasis on the hereditary passing of governmental and societal positions. The inability of a monarch (or any person of power or position for that matter) to produce an heir was certainly considered catastrophic and not easily accepted. The treatment of infertility, therefore, became the purview of the best court physicians of the time, and a considerable amount of time, money, and energy were spent searching out the best, most effective way of treating this vexing diagnosis.
As long as women have given birth, they have struggled with the effects of dropping hormone levels following childbirth. Our approach in treating postpartum recovery is to use herbs, acupuncture, moxibustion, and lifestyle suggestions with warmth and compassion, knowing that this is a challenging transition in a new mother’s life. It has been understood in Asian that a woman sacrifices a great deal of “Qi” (energy) and “Blood” (blood and hormones) during the gestational process and is in a deficient state following childbirth. We understand that the new couple, following the intense joy of birth, may be facing new roles and stresses in the family relationship that add a component to the common list of postpartum ailments.
We feel it is important to view menopause as a normal phase of each woman’s life cycle. With the gradual cessation of the menstrual cycle, symptoms can be long and varied, including hot flashes, night sweats, memory loss, brain fog, insomnia, depression, anxiety, joint pain, heart palpitations, weight loss or gain, high blood pressure and headaches. Virtually all women experience some symptoms during this transition. Paradoxically, menopause can be the most empowering and enlightening period of the woman’s life. While you are experiencing symptoms, it can be difficult to see the positive changes that are happening. In recent years, menopause treatment has shifted away from the use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT), due to complications associated with the use of HRT. Many women are now seeking alternative or complimentary therapy for the symptoms of menopause.